Hi! Today’s blog is about travelling. First of all, I have
to say that my ideal life is a life full of travelling. I want to meet all the
world, every single country.
Today I will write about the travel of my dreams. Since I
was a little girl I felt so atracted to greek culture. I was the happiest girl
ever on 8th grade, when my History teacher taught us about greek culture. Since
that day, the travel of my dream is going to Greece.
Other thing that made me fall in love with Greece was ‘’Mamma
mia’’, a musical movie filmed on Greece. I mean, the landscapes are awesome.
Who could resist to that beauty?
I know that nowadays Greece is experimenting an economical
crisis, but I don’t really care if they still receive travellers.
Someday I will meet the Parthenon and the Achropolis on
Athens, and I will also meet Sparta.
I think that Greece is a country full of culture, I mean, we
still reading book written by greeks for example. And we also still studying
some of the knowledge that the obtained, like geometry, maths, philosophy,
theatre and poetry.
If you ask me to describe Greece in one Word, I will say ‘’awesome’’
What do you think of Greece? I hope you had enjoyed my blog J
I think that Greece is an interesting place to visit, hope that you could do that trip some day :)